The Thrifty Rich formula is really about finding ways for you to change habits that lead to spending less. We can do this in many different ways depending on your spending habits.
For me, I changed a few things and was able to quickly save $168 over two weeks without much effort. Here is what I did:
- Usually, through the work week, I will eat out. I took leftovers one day: saved $10
- Cooked a meal that was used over three nights. I slow cooked a few pounds of chicken that I was then able to have street tacos one night, enchiladas the next night, and tacos again on the third night. This saved me about $35 vs. buying separate ingredients for different dinners.
- Usually, we eat out dinner two nights a week. Dropped that down to one night: $40
- Used my gas rewards twice to fill up my gas tank: Saved $8
- Sold some old items on Craig’s list: $20
- Replaced air filters for the AC buying two years worth of filters from an online store with a 15% coupon. The effort saved me $50 vs. buying one filter per year.
- Found some coupons for some groceries I needed that I normally would not have used: Saved $5
There you have it, I was able to save $168 in two weeks without impacting my needs.
Every day we are faced with stores, restaurants, and people that want to take our hard earned money for things that they say we need. When we give in, we don’t spend sensibly and it comes at the cost of things that matter to us (homes, retirement, college). Look at your habits and ask yourself to I need to spend as much as I do.
I plan on taking the $168 and parking it in an index fund to pay for a future family vacation. A very good start that I will add to weekly.

Save for the things that matter
Vacation Fund +$168
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